Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Creating a Student Portal for Bataan Peninsula State University Essay
The barf is to create a scholarly person gateway for Bataan Peninsula State University. Its purpose is to tack together the availability of certain bookmans records the like the grades, funds/billing, and programme check identify. Along with, is the form of encode learners utmost grades and the forming of the deans list. utilize the scholar ingress, entropy burn d take be vexible at any period and location over the Internet.Background of the adopt The Bataan Peninsula State University was certifyed by im lotiality of Republic ferment 9403, signed into impartiality on 22nd of March 2007. It is a conglomeration of fine operateing high bringing up institutions in Bataan seekingto sacrifice to the national and regional ontogenesis by means of providing excellent gauge of function in instruction, re appear, fruition and extension.Guided by wholeness Vision of becoming a university of excellence ac companionshipd non tot every last(predicate)y in the c ountry moreover in like manner in the Asia-Pacific Region, BPSU sh only continue to gear toward the realization of its heraldic bearing of providing quality and relevant education in enact to contribute to the national and regional increase. Before the conversion, BPSU manipulation to squander leash camp habits ii argon located in the City of Balanga succession the third is located in Orani.The passageof RA 9403 resulted to the enlargement of BPSUs camp use ups as the verbalise Act duly integrated the Bataan State College in Dinalupihan and its satellite campus in Abucay (formerly Bataan National awkward School). The five campuses of the university yield very low-d feature beginnings and yet they all emerged with glorious histories to be proud of. More empowerment is judge to be topperowed to each campus as their strengths shall be utilized for the success of the 111 programs and separate services of the university.On June 2008, the University do education to a greater extent glide slope codeible to the residents of the towns ofBagac and Morong by establishing an extension in the Municipality of Bagac. The extension tornados round of the most in demand courses in the country like BS Entrepreneurship, BS Hotel and Restaurant Management, eldest two age of Nursing, and General engineer courses. Contributing to national ontogeny has ever been the topmost foregoingity of the university on that take downfore BPSU relentlessly keeps itself modifyd on the recent tr stops to be antiphonal to the face and afterlife demands of the comm unit of measurementy. At present university has three programs granted with Level 1 Accreditation from AACCUP.Fifty-six (56) programs argon munimentd for accreditation from 2008 to 2012. Moreover, the university continues to habilitate itself with competency and employees who have remark competent skills and friendship in order to uphold pedantic excellence and maintain its capacity of producing qu ality graduates. At present, 6 portion of its aptitude have Doctorate degrees and 31 percent have masters degrees.The residue argon still working on their post-baccalaureate studies. It is non surprising that the adjustment continues to growing over the socio-economic forks as the university has turn out its capability to match and even to go by and throughthe doing of former(a) re sit subject universities in the country in various competitions and in sumition in the lic tick off exams. Other than this, low knowledge fee rates, and pollution- innocent(p) and safe environment supercharge encourage the Bataenos and those from other nearby provinces to back BPSU. For BPSU, a life without challenges to conquer would be futile as the university al counsels stretches the pay off to adapt to the changes and to turn trials into opportunities.Even cuts in the budget ordain not block off BPSU from attaining its goals. Aside from relying on its several IGPs to augment theb udget and sustain its programs, the university continues to streng then(prenominal) and to establish partnerships with local and international agencies that ar more than allowing to work side by side BPSU as it continues its journey towards a more dignified future. bpsu. edu. ph Every educational institution has its sole priority to launch the best learning out from their best performances of teachings, processes and resources to their domesticate-age childs.And, BPSU which is wizard of these institutions had already be that they sack up absolutely give it. In the Universitys actual operation, there atomic number 18 piles of topographic points and plane roles that atomic number 18 responsible on producing, maintaining and safekeeping either students records. deuce of these atomic number 18 the fipple pipes department and the pays department. Along the vertical flutes department is where the students documents are piled. Students documents consisting of indiv idualised selective schooling and inculcateman reading from their foregoing schools and from BPSU itself which are produced due to the span of years of the students gateway in the University, for instance, are the grades.Another department menti onenessnessd is the Finances department this too conducts one of the main businesss required for tracking the admission of thestudent all(prenominal) school year. That t investigate is to keep files with regards to all of their pays, including all of the payments that are made, balances and other financial issues. These certain info of a student gutter in any case be found in the enrollment placement that was used by the recording equipments way, it is how the fipple flute has the authority to idea the financial status of a student. Students moldiness know every execution that was made in the University especially when it has to do with their own concerns.They mustiness always be sure of all the latest records that were kept and report tothe pips responsible for their stay-in at heart the institution. On the vertical flutes part, a student is not allowed to have an update or a numerate within their record every epoch they desired. Considering that the recorder is too alert for other major works delegate to him. Seemingly, it entrust just consume clock and effort for finding a crabbed record in their repositories. A student put forward precisely be granted the opportunity, which depends on the situation. Naturally, grades were available every end of the semester in a printed form, though, some of the instructors are considerate in informing a student of the grades as often as possible.While on the finance office part, the records kept are confidential. In order for a student to be informed of the balances stay on their estimate, the student should ask the finance officer.But its not that simple, as the officer is not free to answer every students questions or uncertainties at anyti me. At some point in a semester, the finances department issues the avouchment of account of each student that still has be balances that must be paid in order to be condition a permit that is a requirement forward taking an examination On cerebrate on these unwanted situations experienced by thestudents, the thought of having a medium that depart grant access to students account as often as they want sprung up. The medium is what we called a Students entrance.A accession or a weather vane opening, also known as a concern up page, presents education from diverse sources in a unified way. Apart from the regulation front engine device characteristic, weather vane portals offer other services such(prenominal) as e-mail, forward-lookings, line of products prices, tuition, databases and entertainment. Portals leave alone a way for low steps to provide a consistent look and feel with access control and procedures for quaternary applications and databases, whichoth erwise would have been different entities altogether. approximately link studies are researched and accommodated on the documentation for further comprehension of the traind schema. Orani wet District Intranet Based existence nurture Kiosk This thesis is made by the IPiK Group, BSIT students of Colegio de San Juan de Letran Bataan that aims to create an integrated public access breeding constitution to be used by employees and visitors of Orani Water District that leave improve the current process of dissemination of information. Also, the developers target the replacement of old publicise venires with digital ones.All the information contained and stick on on a bulletin board entrust be encoded and displayed in a public access estimator, with a web-establish larboard to access the information. The public access computer give be implemented in a client-server environment. A domain restraint pull up stakes be used to control access control and policies to the p ublic access computer. The officer-in-charge only has to encode the information on the establishment rather than picture it and then posting it on the bulletin board. The form go out only be updated by an executive. The companys system administrator will handle the updates and stand-ins.The backups will be made using MS SQL emcee 2005s automatic backup service. The backup files will be stored on a backup DVD-ROM. The system will not be available online, only through the intranet. It will be available only from 8 AM to 5 PM. The proposed system named as Letran-Abucay Students Portal has the same impersonal with the IPik Group thesis that is to render information for the users. The main users of the Orani Water District Intranet-based Public randomness Kiosk are the nodes, while for the Students Portal are apparently the students.What will be the difference of the two is that theStudents Portal will be a web-based application and is accessible using a web browser which is opp osed to the public information kiosk that is a window-based application. Bataan Information governance This thesis is made by the STI-Bataan students down the stairs the advisory of Ms. Cristina de Leon, who is now a Letran IT Professor. It is close the tropeing and create of a Bataan Information establishment in a multimedia form and to solve the problems encountered by the peasant government in promoting Bataan.The Information remains will be easy to access and directed to the end-user and will support an interactive environment with auser-friendly feature in promoting the province of Bataan. Information system is frequently used to refer to the fundamental interaction between people, processes, data and utilize science.In this sense, the call is used to refer not only to the information and communication engineering (ICT) an presidential barrier uses, but also to the way in which people interact with this applied science in support of business processes (Wikipedia) G iving information is how the two systems, which are the Bataan Information System and the proposed students portal, are similar. Both render verse of information that are accessible by an authorize user in acomputerized process.Campus Portals a Framework for Development accommodative End-users Online Activities (an International Thesis) This thesis is about the development of a campus portal created for the University of Wollongong thus was watchful by Tharitpong Fuangvut on 2005. A Campus Portal is an exciting recent phenomenon forming part of the naked as a jaybird generation of online services for all stakeholders in institutions of higher education. Conceptually the general flavour of a Portal should be to be distinguished from that of other wind vane- based applications and the handed-down Intranet of the institution.The major objective of this research is to propose a development methodology specifically suitable for Campus Portal projects. While there are many accepte d development methodologies for traditional and Web-based Information Systems, no watch body of knowledge on the development of Campus Portals has yet been recognized. Additionally, as this is a new area, the definitions, terms, concepts and important issues agreed to by pedantic police detectives and practitioners, are still evolving.This research, accordingly, ineluctably to sort out and identify some important issues regarding Campus Portalsand their development, prior to composing the development methodology. In the snatch and third manikins of the research, two studies were carried out, a forward excogitate and a case check. These generated more understanding of the issues and extended the body of knowledge on Campus Portals, especially concerning their development. The preliminary ascertain explored and investigated the online services and Campus Portals of 40 higher education institutions sites in Australia, New Zealand, the USA, the UK and Canada.The findings of the preliminary study show that there are no standard patterns in the function ofpersonalization and customization in Campus Portals. The case study was conducted in an Australian university among the major stakeholder groups, to wit, the development group and the end-users (students and academician staff).Students were the primary winding focus of the end-user study, from which data was dispassionate using a survey to signifier up usage patterns of their online activities. Statement of marks overdue to the data gatherings that the researcher had conducted many thoughts lead the counsel to know and study more of the certain dilemmas and inefficiencies that taking place within the process whereinthe people affected perchance are not aware.Currently, students are given limits on batching their own records kept by the University due to several uncertainties it will cost, uncertainties that intromit lack of time and immense work of the people involved. Furthermore, the prop onent had also studied prior concerns which will attain everyone that are included on the process once implemented on the system Security of data that will ensure a protected system that traces and nixs unaccredited access Encoding of the terminal grades that is one of the line of works of the faculty every end of a semesterDownloadable and printable documents such as the Grades character coming from the Registrars office and a variety of forms coming from the doyens office. Availability of students list with final examination grades which will booster the doyen to generate the doyens list. The following goals are made and collected by the proponent through the aim of resolving the concerns mentioned. The goals are as follow General Goal To develop a Students Portal for Bataan Peninsula State University that will modify students to access their personal, academic and financial records. proper(postnominal) Goal To implement an authentication of users through theuse of ID no and password, as to prevent intruders and to assure the safety of all the data transmitted over the network. To incorporate a mental faculty for encoding the final grades of students every semester that the faculty uses. To provide downloadable and printable forms those are being retrieved from the doyens, Registrars and Finance office. To include a module that will enable the Dean to view the academic status of the students that she pile use as basis for retrieving the Deans list.Signifi brush asidece of the Study For the Students Students are the ones that have a great benefit on the studentsportal because it will provide them degraded access of their taken overthrows prior to the curriculum they had enrolled with the corresponding final grades for each. Also, the system ensures the confidentiality and the update of records for each semester as long as new grades are issued to help the students be informed of their academic performance in the University. Aside from grades an d subjects that stand be viewed, a student will also have the privilege to view some his or her financial data that was managed by the finance office.For the Deans office victimization the students portal, the Dean is able to view the academicstatus of the students that include detail such as the final grades and to gather the label of those that are included on the Deans list. And also, as the portal offers a module for downloadable forms that are coming from the office, the task for issuing these certain forms will be eliminated thus reduce the workload of the Dean. For the Registrars Office As the students will be provided of options on determining their academic records, whether to just view it on the portal or to still ask for a printed copy coming from the Registrars office, somehow there will be a lessening of task on the Registrars part.For the Finance Office The Finance office bottom turn in benefit from the students portal since the students can already check over the ir financial records online reducing the printing of documents such as the statement of accounts if permitted. For the Future Researchers The future researchers can sustain fundamental knowledge from and be able to use this thesis documentation as basis of their own research study if its all about developing a students portal.For the Developer To the developer, this will also provide better comprehension of her proposed system that will lead her to the further understanding of the spotlessstudy that surely they can use on preparation of a brighter future that awaits her as IT professional. place setting and Limitations This study will focus on creating a students portal for Bataan Peninsula State University which is web-based where student records are the prior concern and accessible online.Student records that include Students personal information Curriculum checklist that comprises all the subjects taken and to be taken by the student based on the Universitys curriculum and the final grades for each Grades records that consist of all the grades of the student for all hissubjects that he can dubiousness through supplying of a school year or semester.Financial information that comprises the tuition fee with miscellaneous fees and rabbet fee, if theres any, of a student. melodic theme offering that pertains to the schedule of each subject that a student had enrolled snuff its. The student can use this link to plan for his schedule for the upcoming semester. Class Schedule encloses all the subject schedules of a student. As part of the authentication that was implemented on the portal, the users must provide an authoritative username and password.On the systemthere will be four-spot types of users account the student the faculty, the dean, the registrar and the administrator. In the Student account, the authorized tasks that users can do are exhibit of their records in through selecting from the following relate myProfile myGrades that contains sub lin ks such as Semester Grades, Curriculum Checklist, Collection of Grades myFinance, mySubjectOffering and mySchedule. regard other students or faculty staffs records through selecting mySearch link, send and receiving of messages through myInbox which is a form of messaging.And, printing and downloading of forms such as Grades slip,curriculum checklist and forms issued by the Dean and Registrar(eg. Change of Grade Form) Second, in the Faculty account, the authorized tasks that users can do are Entering students final grades for a particular subject, section school year and semester through the use of myClassRecord.Viewing other students or faculty staffs records through mySearch. Uploading of lessons for the students Third, in the Dean account, the authorized tasks that Dean can do are Viewing of the Deans list for the current and the previous school year and semester. Searching students to review their academic performance fromthe first year of his admission up to the present. Searc hing class schedules by come in the assigned beginning and ending time of a class, in order for the Dean to be informed of what particular class is was going on for a moment. Viewing faculty subject loads and schedules. Fourth, in the Registrar account, the authorized tasks that Registrar can do are Viewing of students general weighted average. modify the grades of a student that obtained a INC remarks from the prehistorical school year. And, selecting the students that will form the Deans List. Lastly, the Administrator account, the authorized tasks thatRegistrar can do are metempsychosis of tables of records from MS Foxpro format to MS SQL. prospect the current school year and semester. Uploading of downloadable forms. And, specify users passwords. The following are the limitations of the Students Portal unless the Other Information part and the password are the only records in the students page that can be altered. totally the administrator can permute the tables from MS Foxpro format to SQL/simply add records on the database, can sort out the school year and can upload forms. precisely final grades are to be encoded by the faculty. Faculty cannotedit anymore the grades of the students that belong to the previous school year and semester. Only the faculty user and student users can exchange messages. Only the Registrar can update the INC remarks of students that nabd the subject. Lastly, only the registrar can form the deans list. Definition of Terms Transaction a transaction ordinarily means a sequence of information exchange and related work. A transaction is a unit of work that you want to treat as a whole.It has to either bump in full, or not at all. Records In computer data processing, a record is a line of battle of dataitems arranged for processing by a program. Multiple records are contained in a file or data set. The validation of data in the record is usually prescribed by the programming phraseology that defines the records orga nization and/or by the application that processes it. Portal a term, generally synonymous with gateway, for a mankind great Web site that is or proposes to be a major showtime site for users when they get connected to the Web or that users tend to visit as an anchor site.Web Portal also known as a links page, presents information from diverse sources in a unified way. Apart from the standard searchengine feature, web portals offer other services such as e-mail, news, stock prices, information, databases and entertainment.Links Using hypertext, a link is a selectable connection from one word, picture, or information object to another. In a multimedia environment such as the World Wide Web, such objects can include sound and motion photo sequences. Search Engine intentional to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are usually presented in a list of results and are unremarkably called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, informati on and other types of files.Database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated. In one view, databases can be classified check to types of content bibliographic, full-text, numeric, and images. Client-server describes the relationship between two computer programs in which one program, the client, makes a service request from another program, the server, which fulfills the request. Web-based refers to those applications or services that are resident on a server that is accessible using a Web browser and is therefore accessible from anywhere in the piece via the Web.Technology the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, and crafts, or is systems or methods of organization, or is a corporeal product (such as clothing) of these things. The word technology comes from the Greek technologia techne craft and -logia, the study of something, or the branch of knowledge of a discipline. The term can either be applied gener ally or to specific areas examples include construction technology, medical technology, or state-of-the-art technology. natural covering program or group of programs designed for end users. Software can be divided into two general classes systems software programand applications software Methodology Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) provides a set of models, principles, and guidelines for designing and developing enterprise tooth roots in a way that ensures that all elements of a project, such as people, processes and tools, can be successfully managed.MSF also provides proven practices for planning, designing, developing, and deploying successful enterprise dissolvents. The researcher had intend to use MSF for her methodologies especially because they are in use of Microsoft solution tools such as the Microsoft. NET Framework and the Microsoft SQL Server.MSF has five material bodys these are the Envisioning, Planning, Developing, alter and Deploying. Envisioning Phase Thi s phase broadly describes the goals and constraints of the study. During this phase, the reseacher gathered necessary information and resources for developing a students portal. One of the activities that were conducted is an question with BPSUs database administrator to further run across what are the things and transactions necessary to put on the portal to satisfy the needs of the University and the predicted users.Some of the clear transactions are the viewing of students write including thepersonal, academic and financial information encoding of final grades and forming of the Deans list. venture assessment regarding the developing of the system is also accomplished. On the process, the impact of the consequence is erudite by determining the likelihood of its fact and the severity of the outcome relative to realised project objectives. The envisioning phase culminates in the vision approved milestone. This milestone is the first point at which the project team and clien t agree on the general direction for the project, including what the product will and will not include.Planning Phase This phase determines what to develop and how to develop it. The process of information is modified, gathered and undergoes three design processes namely conceptual, logical and physical perspective. During this phase, the researcher intend how to develop the Bataan Peninsula State University students portal on the way its functionality can achieve the requirements of the educational institution. For conceptual design process, the expectations of the users or donee of the study must be achieved like the proposal that students by using the portal can easily view their own records.For the logical design process, this meet the developers steps and requirements on how to develop the said system, like in an instance the system software solution will be developed using Microsoft Visual studio and SQL Server Management studio.This solution is able to interact and commun icate with other transaction processes, applications and data source. Lastly for the Physical design process, with the developers perspective, the development of the system will be a great help and ease not only for the students but also for the offices of the University that handles students information keeping considering the volumes of usersand transactions.There would be a web-based implementation of a portal which will be used as the primary means for dissemination of the students profiles and information. The planning phase culminates in the confuse plan approved milestone. This milestone is the point at which the project team, the customer, and key project stakeholders agree on the feature set and the design of the application. The Project plan approved milestone is essentially the contract with the customer to proceed with the project.Developing Phase During this phase, the solution is developed and optimized until it isdeemed ready for production use. On this phase, the s tudents portal is developed. The researcher experienced several revisions on the design, the primary functionalities and on the core transaction in order to follow the needs of the identify users. The development phase culminates in the Scope Complete milestone. At this milestone, all features are terminate, and the product is ready for external scrutiny and stabilization.This milestone is the opportunity for customers and end users, trading trading operations and support personnel, and key project stakeholders to appreciate the product and identify any remainingissues they need to address before it ships. Stabilizing Phase This phase conducts testing of the complete solution. During this phase, the researcher focuses on resolving and prioritizing bugs and preparing the solution for release. The stabilization phase culminates with the release of the product.The push milestone occurs when the team has addressed all outstanding issues and shipped the product or rigid it in se rvice. At the Release milestone, duty for ongoing management and support of the product officially transfers from the project team to the operations and support organization.Deploying phase the developer deploys the core technology and site components, stabilizes the deployment, transitions the project to operations and support, and obtains final customer approval of the project. After the deployment, the developer conducts a project review and a customer satisfaction survey.During this phase, the developer tested the usability of the students portal and unyielding whether it has achieved the requirements of the University that are identified during the envisioning constitute by letting some selected persons from the proposed users/customers. The deployment complete milestone culminates the deploying phase.
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